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How-Tu Tuesday: Using Social Media To Boost Sales

Picture for Rene Looper Rene Looper

December 1st 2015

According to the latest reports in The Guardian, British shoppers spent hundreds of millions of pounds on Cyber Monday, after setting a new internet retail record on Black Friday, underlining the online shopping revolution.  It’s estimated that online spending on Black Friday grew by more than a third, with retailers including Amazon and John Lewis reporting their biggest ever day of trading.

It can often be the case that shopping occasions like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Boxing Day and the Christmas shopping period throughout December can make or break brands, with many companies relying on these sales to cover their costs throughout the rest of the year.  It’s extremely important, therefore, for brands to promote themselves and their offering around these crucial times of the year.

It is often the belief that social media is purely another branch of customer service and is only there to serve marketing departments. Although this is an important aspect and use of social media, it is by no means it’s only use. Social channels should play a key role in boosting sales and supporting the sales team in the promotion of the special discounts and reductions being offered, as well as wider sales deals, including B2B.

Below are some essential tips for going beyond the social media basics and using the channels in the best way possible to support and increase sales.

Make Connections

Regardless of whether your company is based online or not, the key to sales and networking is making strong connections. This also applies to brands who are targeting thousands or even millions of customers or companies who only have a small number of high value clients.

LinkedIn is most useful for businesses focusing on the latter and who are aiming to have a much more business-like relationship with those in the sales pipeline. On the other hand, for brands focused on B2C selling, Twitter can be most effective in establishing relationships and turning prospective clients into buying customers. As long as the tone is kept genuine and personable on both platforms, and not overtly promotional, a connection should be made – one that is profitable.

Find Common Ground

Before reaching out to those who you think will be interested in your product, service or special discount, do your homework. Get to know the people you are targeting and potentially trying to communicate with. For B2B sales, this could involve finding similarities that could open up a relevant conversation related to your business and what you offer.

For direct-to-consumer sales, brands should establish a shared connection simply through the customer’s love for what it is you offer and leverage this information to focus their attention on the special promotion/discount.

Don’t Limit Yourself

Social selling should not be limited to only prospecting clients; it should be used to support existing client relationships. For example, for those contacts who were once repeat buyers, get them back on your radar by tweeting them or making a comment on one of their own social posts. The channels should be seen as another touch point between the sales team and those key, high value, customers.

Socially Monitor Sales

It is a misconception to assume that monitoring social media is only useful to those within the marketing departments of companies. The sales team should always monitor the various social streams relevant to their consumer and track conversations. This allows for sales reps to stay in touch with prospects and gain insight into what is happening in both the organisations of potential clients, but also competitors as well.

This ultimately allows for social media to be used in the most optimum way possible for boosting sales, fostering key relationships and closing deals.

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