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Russwood Ltd.

Russwood Ltd – Social Media Strategy Case Study

The Challenge

Russwood Ltd is a supplier of high-quality sustainable timber flooring, cladding and decking, headquartered in the Cairngorm National Park. Their customers are private clients, architects and building contractors, so they need to be able to reach all three target audiences through their social media platforms.

The company had already built up a good solid presence on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, but when the staff member who managed those accounts moved to a new role within the organisation, the marketing team identified a need for some guidance and training.

forest house

What we did…

Our services included a digital audit and advising and training the Russwood team to help them create and implement a digital strategy.

This has resulted in a workable digital strategy, and the team developing a better understanding of the benefits and opportunities of social media when implemented with a strategic approach.

This will save them time while at the same time achieving better results.

Here’s what Russwood had to say…

“We can’t speak positively enough about the training workshops we had with Rene. His tone and manner and the content of his training was perfectly pitched for our level of understanding and he had clearly done his research in advance, both about our business and about the social media activity we had been engaging in.”

The sessions were both insightful and fun and we now fully understand how the different social media platforms can be used to communicate with different audiences, and how they each require a subtly different form of engagement.

Prior to the sessions our social media strategy had been quite reactive. We now understand that we need to be more proactive, and we have, with Rene’s help, created a solid social media strategy, with a calendar of ideas for content. Rene also introduced us to some techniques to allow us to post across a number of different platforms, which helps us to reach a broader audience in a more time-efficient way.

One immediate benefit to working with Tuminds was demonstrated when an online complaint was made about Russwood while Rene was delivering one of his workshops in our office. He was able to advise us of the correct way to respond to quickly take the discussions offline, and it was reassuring to have his input and expertise at that time.

I wouldn’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call the Tuminds office for advice, and am keen that we have an ongoing audit of our social media activity to make sure we are staying on track.

The Results

“Our social media output has certainly become more proactive and we are seeing an increase in the reach of our posts, and the levels of audience interaction. This has driven more traffic to our website and led to more enquiries to our office. It’s too early to gauge whether they will result in more sales because the nature of our business means there is a very long lead time between enquiries and sales, but we are optimistic!”

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