Video captures people’s attention online and is becoming increasingly important for engaging with potential, or real, clients.
Discover why the use of video helps people find your brand or website and how this kind of content has become a powerful way to engage with your audience. Learn how to create a short and effective video without pain or expense, including how to plan, shoot, edit and upload it without special kit or expertise. Get to know the various digital platforms that can be utilised to view and share video content. See what editing apps are available and how to add music and subtitles.
This is a ‘DigitalBoost’ event which is funded by Digital Scotland and delivered by Business Gateway.
Find out how to use image sharing apps Pinterest and Instagram to grow your business. Learn how to shoot, process and upload photos.
Move from beinga beginner to knowing enough to gain commercial benefit from the use of Pinterest and Instagram. Learn which type of audience you can reach via each platform and the factors and analytics such as cost and timing of posting images and how that can maximise impact.
Discover the basic ‘does and don’ts’ of taking your own pictures, processing them and uploading them onto digital platforms. See some real life examples of posts that demonstrate good, bad and indifferent use.
This is a ‘DigitalBoost’ event which is funded by Digital Scotland and delivered by Business Gateway.
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