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How to create Facebook offers

Picture for Rene Looper Rene Looper

May 22nd 2012

You might have seen businesses posting offers via their Facebook page. This is a new Facebook feature proving to be a very effective way to advertise your promotions and boost sales.

Roepark Resort, a Luxury Irish hotel posted a Facebook offer which went viral within 24 hours!

The reason why the new Facebook offers feature has the potential to reach such wide audience is that once people click on the offer it is posted on their own timeline and that way shared with  their friends making it possible to spread very quickly to thousands of people.

Not every Facebook business page has this feature yet, it’s rolled out slowly, but it seems that pages that have categorised themselves as a local business and have a Facebook advertising account have a bigger chance of already having this feature or getting it soon.

You will know if your Facebook page has the new offers feature when you see this new status update option, “Offer, Event +” highlighted in red in the below picture:

This new option has replaced the previous “Event, Milestone +” option.

So if you have it, click on “Offer, Event +”.

Next step is to select “Offer” from the dropdown menu choices Offer, Event, Milestone, Question:

This will open the next screen where you can write a short description and upload a thumbnail picture, as well as add the maximum number available (you really should include this!) and the expiry date:

You can also add your terms and conditions. Make sure it is clear what people need to do to actually buy the offer as this feature does not include a payment option.

The thumbnail picture should be a square image (Facebook advises an ideal size of 90 x 90 pixels, bigger images will be automatically resized).  If you don’t add an image it will automatically take the Facebook page profile picture.

Click on “Preview” to see what it looks like and when you’re happy with it click on “Post” and that’s it! You’ve created an offer which people can claim by clicking on “Get Offer”.

People who click “Get Offer” will receive an email from Facebook stating the offer which they can print out, or show on their mobile phone, to redeem at the business offering the promotion.

See a video below from Facebook on how this works

Hope this was useful, if you would like more info or help leave a comment below or come to one of our hands-on workshops. Our next workshop is held this Thursday 24th May at Culloden House, Inverness.

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