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Social media strategy for CIM Scotland, Glasgow

Picture for Rene Looper Rene Looper

March 26th 2014

Today we are in Glasgow to present at the City of Glasgow College for the Chartered Institute of Marketing.

Having a social media strategy is nowadays a must for many businesses and organisations and tonight we hope to inform the delegates on the way they could implement a social media strategy into their business.

This session looks at the latest developments to ensure you and your business are up to date and applying social media to maximum effect. Rene Looper presents in a non-technical and practical way – so marketers can use the knowledge in the business the next day. The aim is to ensure you are using social media in a pro-active, meaningful and effective fashion.

More info at the CIM Scotland web site.

Slides can be found below.

CIM Scotland social media strategy from Rene Looper

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