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How-Tu Tuesdays: Set your 2015 Social Media Resolutions

Picture for Rene Looper Rene Looper

January 6th 2015

Making changes for the better is always a good thing, but we do so more at this time of year than any other. It’s really important to have goals so that you can measure your progress (read more about this in our recent ‘How-Tu’ strategy post). This got us thinking. What positive changes can we make to our online presence in 2015?


New year, new look!

As you might already know, we have been working on a new look for Tuminds over the past six months. We are now really close to unveiling our lovely new brand and we can’t wait to share it with you! This is our biggest resolution or 2015, so stay tuned for sneak peeks over the new few weeks!


Getting creative with content

We’ve been working hard to develop more original content this year, and we will continue to do so in 2015, producing platform-specific hand-outs and more ‘How-Tu Tuesday’ tutorials. We’d love to know what content you’d like to see in the new year, so please let us know in the comments below!


Working on our website

As part of our rebranding, we will be launching a new website during the next few months. Though social media channels are vital for any business, posts often drive traffic back to websites, making them a crucial foundation and base – so we are really keen to solidify our online anchor!


Over to you!

What are your social media resolutions for 2015? Post them in the comments below or tweet @tuminds using the hashtag #tumindsresolutions. Here are Hanan’s 2015 social media resolutions to give you an example!


Hanan’s social media resolutions for 2015:

  1. Get better with Twitter lists
  2. Stay off Instagram and Pinterest before bed
  3. Reduce food posts across all social media channels
  4. Update LinkedIn profile
  5. Create better Snapchat stories

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