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Google Takes Mobile to the Next Level

Picture for Rene Looper Rene Looper

April 21st 2015

Google recently announced a major update to their algorithm that will focus solely on mobile search:

“We will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. This change will affect mobile searches in all languages worldwide and will have a significant impact in our search results.”

These changes will come into effect today (April 21st 2015) and will benefit users of the search engine (and who doesn’t use Google) through increased mobile-friendly websites. More and more people are now using their mobiles to search for things they would have otherwise used their laptop or computer for. In a recent study by Smartphone Market Research it was revealed that over the past four years smartphone usage has grown 394% and tablet usage is also up 1,721%.

In the digital age that businesses are now living in, it has become a crucial element of their marketing strategy and customer service to provide the public with user-friendly websites that can be easily accessed and navigated across all platforms. Google clearly agree and will be penalising those companies who fail to make their site mobile-friendly by lowering rankings. By appearing lower down in Google searches companies risk losing out on enquiries and publicity which will translate to losing sales and a reduced profit.

To find out if all pages on your website are mobile-friendly please enter the URL of each page into Google’s online mobile-friendly test.

If you are concerned that your website doesn’t meet the mobile-friendly standards set by Google then check out Dynam’s latest blog post on the matter and the ways in which they could help with your online mobile presence.

For more information about the new Google ranking system click here.

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