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100 Days at Tuminds

Picture for Rene Looper Rene Looper

February 12th 2016

Since I started working for Tuminds back in September I’ve been keeping a daily log of my activity through Twitter. On Friday 5th of February I reached 100 working days at Tuminds and reading back over the daily tweets gave me such an insight into what we’ve done, where were going, what new social media developments we’ve tracked, who I’ve engaged with and who’s engaged with me.


Because I like a good stat or two, the first thing I did when looking at all my collated tweets, was too tally up the numbers.

The 100 Tweets:

  • Generated a total of 43,862 impressions across Twitter, which is an average of 439 impressions per tweet.
  • On average each tweet garnered 7 engagements (people who liked, clicked on my profile, the hashtags or the links provided)
  • In total I got 213 likes – that’s 2 per tweet and 132 people clicked on my profile to see who I was.

Even though I live in social media stat land, when I pulled down the data I was taken aback by how far and wide my little daily tweets went. It just further proved to me, that regularity, consistency and perseverance really does pay off on social media.

Of course I used plenty of hashtags, a total of 220, so a little over 2 per tweet, which is just about right for gaining attention and engagement on Twitter, more than that and people turn off to your message.

Of the hashtags I used the biggies were #SocialMedia which was used 23% of the time, followed by location specific Hashtags such as #Inverness, #Huntly or #Elgin which I used in 9% of my tweets.

I also linked in with the people I met, advised or tutored over the last 100 days. I engaged with 32 different twitter accounts including the people we work alongside such as @InvernessChambr @HIEDigital @DPDigital as well as the wonderful clients that I had the opportunity to work with such as @Johnstons_Elgin @Pumblechook_Int @CNPNature @CNPActive and @FamilyJewelers

Again distilling the data, the 30 tweets where I engaged another twitter account totaled 23,935 impressions, in other words a third of the tweets generated 55% of total impressions. Another prime example of why you need to reach out and engage with people to grow your own presence.

My top five most effective tweets were

Day 27 with 6,965 impressions

Day 51 with 1,982 impressions

Day 11 with 1,928 impressions

Day 22 with 1,820 impressions

Day 57 with 1,731 impressions

When I looked at my top five I found that they all had several things in common.

  1. They all included an engagement with another twitter account or a location
  2. All but 1 had used the hashtag #socialmedia
  3. 3 out 5 included media in the form of a picture
  4. They were a combination of promotional messages, conversational tweets and activity based posts.


So What Next?

With all this information to hand the question really is how do I improve upon this and where do I take it next?

To improve my reach and impressions I know I need to:

  • Engage more people in my tweets on a more regular basis.
  • Expand my use of branded hashtags to raise awareness about our business.
  • Use compelling imagery to capture people’s attention.
  • Create a good mix of promotional, helpful, conversational and activity based posts.

And where will I take this next?

While it’s been great doing a daily tweet and it has certainly gained attention, whether I continue to chart my everyday with the prefix #DayXX is under review. My thoughts now are leaning towards using a more specific hashtag that will not only help me more easily identify my daily tweets but might also feed into wider conversations with other twitter users. The mission now, to identify the right hashtag.



One comment on “100 Days at Tuminds

  1. Great blog post Siân and I certainly enjoyed reading all your tweets with the #Day hashtag. It’s great having you part of the team and who knows, maybe one day you’ll tweet using the #Year10atTuminds hashtag! 😉


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