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New Challenge on the Horizon for Tumind’s Strategist

Picture for Rene Looper Rene Looper

June 24th 2016

It seems odd that on the same day that the UK votes to leave the EU I am moving on from Tuminds.

After a fantastic few months working for Tuminds, raising social media knowledge across the Highlands and Islands, and meeting so many fantastic, interesting and inspiring people, the time has come for a change.

There are certain times in your life when you’re given an opportunity to do something special with the skills and knowledge you have, and you just have to take it. So that’s what I’ve done.

It goes without saying that my time at Tuminds has been a blast. Working with people who are passionate about social media, being nurtured and supported in developing our regions ability to grow and work better in the digital world has been a delightful tonic.

Tuminds Social Media is the type of business that lets you grow, test ideas, be flexible and seek out new challenges. In the short time I have been here I have been privileged to work with some brilliant companies, all of which contribute to our economy and way of life here in Scotland.

Social Media and digital marketing is certainly taking hold across Scotland now, more and more businesses are truly seeing the benefit of being smart about how they use digital and social to grow their business.

The way that change has been embraced is something I really thrive on. Seeing how Highlands and Islands Enterprise Digital Boost and #HelloDigital programs have taken off and influenced leaders in our industries is testament to all the hard work that HIE and its partners have put into raising the level and the bar in terms of how Scotland engages with the digital world. It’s an exciting time.

I’m hoping that I will be able to take everything I have learned here, from the clients I’ve worked for and the people I’ve connected with into my new job. And I know, that even in my new role, my path will continue to cross with so many off them. Another great aspect to living in the Highlands.

Before signing off, I’d like to take the time to thank some very important people, who have really shaped my experience here and made working in social and digital that much more enjoyable.

Sian Jamieson leaving Tuminds Social Media

Sian Jamieson

To all the wonderful Digital Boost participants across the Highlands and Islands, I’ve been so lucky to meet you all, and I only hope that I didn’t melt your brains too much when waxing lyrical about my love of data, social media and communication!

To our lovely clients: Johnstons of Elgin, Caledonian Sleeper, Cantraybridge, Cairngorms National Park Authority, Colin Campbell Jewellers, Huntly Development Trust, An Lanntair, Nairn Academy, NES, Scarista House, Highland Business Coaching and Timespan Museum and Art Centre; I not only thoroughly enjoyed spending time with you and getting to know your businesses and people, but I found developing each of your unique strategies some of the most interesting and challenging work I have delivered. I will continue to watch, listen and read with great delight your social media postings.

To the inspiring partners I’ve had the privilege to work with: Ian, Allan, Thomas and Will from DP Digital Media, James from Candid Media, James from Kilted Social Media, Martin from Summit Web Solutions, all the lovely people from the Inverness Chamber of Commerce and of course Adam and April at Highlands and Islands Enterprise. Let’s keep the #conversations going guys.

To Karen, Eleanor, Jayne, Louise D, Sarah, Martin, Charlene, Louise K and John, at Dynam, I’m going to miss you all, it’s been a wonderful place to work, and all your happy faces certainly helped that! Of course a shout out to Gin, Tonic, Ben, Effie and Sadie can’t be missed off the Dynam list either (I won’t lie I might miss the animals the most!)

To Fiona, Ruth, Sheila, Alastair and Simon; what a team! It’s been amazing to work with and get to know you; we’ve shared laughs, jokes, frustrations and cake, and I’ll miss not being in your company more often.

And of course, most definitely last but not least, the wonderful Rene and Pamela, who make such an amazing couple and are an inspiration and delight to know and work for. I couldn’t thank either of you enough for the opportunity to work with you, learn from you and feel welcomed into the Tuminds family. I’ve also never eaten so much cake and good food in a job before, and that’s saying something.

Next week I’ll be raising the Jamieson flag over a different spot in Inverness, it’ll still be digital and most definitely social, so look out!

2 comments on “New Challenge on the Horizon for Tumind’s Strategist

  1. James Lane -

    What a great farewell! A testament the awesomeness of both you and Tuminds! All the best for your next project!

  2. Tom Hogben -

    It was a pleasure to work with you to! All the best moving forward, and will need to get a catch up soon to.


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