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Shetland Business Week 2017

Picture for Rene Looper Rene Looper

February 25th 2017

A week of talks, panel sessions, speakers and networking opportunities, all for FREE!


We are delighted to be part of Shetland’s first Business Week taking place from 25th of February to 4th of March.

Organised by Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Business Gateway and the Federation of Small Businesses all the events taking place in Lerwick are aimed at helping delegates to grow their business.

Rene Looper, of Tuminds Social Media, has been asked to deliver a workshop on Digital Marketing Strategy and Analytics.

Digital marketing can deliver real world business growth, and this workshop will show the delegates a practical strategy for success.
This inspiring workshop features practical steps needed to design a digital marketing strategy and then use data analytics to make sure the Return of Investment (ROI) of social media becomes more clearer.

Successful strategies have three key elements: Content Creation, Content Publication and Content Amplification. Delegates will learn time-efficient techniques for developing these elements so they can confidently drive more traffic to the website.

Key themes covered include: the use of Shetland dialect branding, developing young people, social media, collaborative working, digital marketing and specific industry panel discussions.

For more info on this course and other courses follow the link below which shows more information of the different events

Digital Marketing Strategy and Analytics – DigitalBoost

There is also a downloadable PDF listing all the events taking place in Lerwick, Shetland from 25th of Feb to the 4th of March 2017.

This is a ‘DigitalBoost’ event which is funded by Digital Scotland and delivered by and Highlands & Islands Enterprise in partnership with Business Gateway and Scottish Enterprise.

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