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7 Tips for Live Video

Picture for Emma Gibb Emma Gibb

September 10th 2018

Blog 6

Live video is a great way to increase organic reach.  Stats show that people watch live video for longer than uploaded video and it gets higher levels of engagement.  Facebook prioritises live video which means it is treated favourably in the News Feed algorithm – so the people who like your page are more likely to see your live video.

You could use live video to make an announcement, take viewers behind the scenes, at events, to answer FAQs or interview someone.

I recently went live on both Instagram and Facebook to show people around a self-catering property I was reviewing.  Here are a few of the things I learnt from the experience and some general tips for live-streaming on social media.

Tips for Live Video

1. Plan ahead

You can’t just grab a phone and go live on Facebook or Instagram (well, you could but we don’t advise it!).  It’s important to plan your live video.  Who are you creating the content for?  What is your objective?  What are you going to cover in the video?  Don’t just go live for the sake of it, it should be part of a bigger content plan.

You could write a script or at least have a rough idea of what you’re going to say.  If you’re planning to interview someone live, make sure you have a note of the questions you’re going to ask.

2. Practice

I found it really helpful to do a practice video first so I knew what I was going to say.  When I started my practice video, it also made me realise that I hadn’t thought about whether I was going to look at the screen or at the camera (I decided to talk to the camera).  It also helped with nerves to run through it a couple of times before.

3. Announce beforehand

This is key for live video.  Announce the date and time of when you’ll be going live from your other platforms to drive people over to your video and from the platform where you’re going live.


4. Check your connection and sound

It is obviously vital to have a strong Wi-Fi connection and clear sound.  Make sure you check out both beforehand.

5. Write a good description and title for Facebook Live videos

On Facebook it is important to write a catching description to encourage people to watch (you aren’t asked for this on Instagram).  On Twitter you can go live via Periscope and it’s important to include keywords in the description.

6. Relax and take a deep breath

Yes, it can be daunting to go live on social media but take a deep breath and try to relax.  Try not to worry about making mistakes, and if something does go wrong just carry on!

7. Interact with viewers

Respond to comments or questions that come in during the video.  Engage with viewers and mention people by name.  Live video is a two-way experience, a way to interact with your audience in real-time.  It is a good idea to have someone with you to help note any questions that are coming in.

Some other points to note

  • The people who follow your page will get a notification to say that you have gone live.  Keep in mind that not everyone will join the video as soon as you go live, so don’t go straight into it.  You could do an introduction whilst you wait for people to join.  It’s also a good idea to reintroduce yourself and explain what the video is about a few minutes in for the people who have recently joined.
  • Save your video to your camera roll once the video is finished so that you have a copy of it.  On Facebook your live video is saved to your page, whereas on Instagram you can choose to share it for 24 hours afterwards.
  • On Instagram you can now also invite people to join you on your live video.  This could be something to consider if you’re answering FAQs or interviewing someone.

Useful links:

Have you gone live on social media? Let us know how it went in the comments.

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