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Facebook Removes Info and Ads Section on Business Pages

Picture for Emma Gibb Emma Gibb

June 12th 2019

We have noticed a change on Facebook business pages. Up until recently there was an Info and Ads section on pages, which allowed any Facebook user to see all the ads that a page was currently running. This has now gone and there is a new Page Transparency section.

The Info and Ads section was announced in June 2018, as part of Facebook’s plans to make ads and business pages more transparent. Anyone on Facebook could look at the ads a page was running on both Facebook and Instagram by clicking on this section, as well as find out information such as when the page was created and if the name of the page had been changed.

Now instead of the Info and Ads you will find a Page Transparency box on the right hand side of a business page. If you click on ‘see more’ you will see the page history and any active ads, with a link to the Facebook Ad Library.

The new Facebook Ad Library offers “a comprehensive, searchable collection of all ads currently running from across Facebook Products“. You don’t need a Facebook account to access the Ad Library. There is a search bar at the top of the page where you can type in the name of the page you wish to view ads for.

As a marketer, it is quite useful to be able view the ads that a page is running. You could use it as a research tool to find out what similar businesses/competitors are doing.

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Did you notice this section had been removed? Did you look at Info and Ads of business pages? Leave your questions or comments below.

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