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Ask Tuminds Facebook Live: Week 3

Picture for Emma Gibb Emma Gibb

April 28th 2020

Week three of our live social media Q&A covered the difference between page likes and follows on Facebook, how to grow your newsletter list, tips for building an audience or community around your brand, online learning platforms, video apps and Zoom.

Each week during our live session we share a number of links and social media updates and, as promised, we have included them in this post.

Social Media Q&A

You’ll find all the links we mentioned here:

Building a newsletter list

Online Learning Platforms

Video Editing


Zoom Updates

Social Media Updates

It was announced that Instagram is working on the option to broadcast Instagram live videos to Facebook at the same time:

Instagram announced the addition of its new gift card, food order and fundraiser tools for Stories and profiles (currently only in the US and Canada):

LinkedIn is developing a poll option for posts:

We hope that you are finding these social media Q&A sessions helpful. If you have a social media question you’d like us to answer leave it in the comments below.

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