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3 Things That Can Supercharge Your Social Media Marketing

Picture for Emma Gibb Emma Gibb

January 12th 2023

If you’re a new business or you’d like to improve your social media marketing in 2023, here are three key things that can help you to use social media more effectively, stay focused and organised, create more engaging content, and save you time: a social media strategy, content marketing plan and a social media calendar.

Social media strategy

Using social media platforms without a strategy is like driving without a destination in mind – you don’t know where you’re going or how you’re going to get there. You need to think about why you are using social media, who you are trying to reach, how you’re going to reach them and what you’re going to say. (We can help with that). A social media strategy should cover your objectives and goals, your target audiences, the platforms you will use, the types of content you will create and how you will analyse and measure your activity. A strategy is key in using social media effectively.

social media strategy

Content marketing plan

Having a content marketing plan means you don’t just post content for the sake of it. Content marketing is all about creating content that attracts, and engages, your ideal customers and retains them as customers. It involves thinking about the goals for your content, the audiences you’re trying to reach (and what stage they are at in the buyer’s journey). You can then spend time generating content ideas and planning and creating the content. Thinking about the problems/questions/interests of your ideal customer is a great way to generate content ideas. If your new year resolution is to create more engaging content, spend some time thinking about what content will resonate with your audience, and what will help them and give them value.

If you would like help with content ideas you can book a one-hour 121 consultation.

Social media calendar

A social media calendar can help you plan out what you want to share on your platforms and when. It keeps you organised and helps to ensure a consistent flow of content that is relevant and interesting to your audience. We recommend planning out 3 months worth of activity. If you don’t have a calendar for 2023 you can download our free social media calendar, with key dates, useful hashtags and a digital marketing tip each month.

Get in touch to find out how we can help your business in 2023.

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