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TikTok for Business

Learn all about TikTok and how to use it for your business

More and more businesses are using TikTok for brand awareness and relationship building. It’s no longer just for teens who are using the platform and it’s not all about dancing. TikTok now has 1 billion monthly active users and it’s a great place to reach and connect with a very wide audience.

What will I learn?

  • How to get started with TikTok
  • Create an account and optimise your bio
  • Navigate the TikTok platform
  • What type of content works well
  • Create your first video
  • How to build your following
  • Insight into selling on TikTok
  • Use of hashtags
  • Tips and tricks

Who should take this course?

This course is ideal for those who want to learn how to get started and make effective use of TikTok.


Three hours with a 121 follow up after 30 days included.

Build a high-quality, low-cost and easy-to-manage website – without needing to know how to code

This 3-hour course will take you through building a Wix website from start to finish – for yourself, your business, or someone else – providing you with the tools to plan, implement and deploy a successful website.

This group workshop will be delivered by one of our experienced trainers, who has worked in both website development and Search Engine Optimisation for over 12 years. We also offer private training courses which are ideal if you prefer a one-to-one approach.

Personalised One-to-One Training Delivery: This course will be tailored to you to meet your unique and personal requirements.

What will you learn?

  • How to successfully create a Wix website
  • Learn how to plan for creating your website (organising your wording & photos)
  • Explore and utilise the basic and advanced features of Wix
  • Learn about Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and how to configure your Wix website to be found on Google, Bing, etc.
  • Learn how to maintain your website and keep it up to date

Who should take this course?

Anyone who wants to develop a website and increase their knowledge and skills, from individuals to established businesses.


Three hours with a 121 follow up after 30 days included.

Find out why you should be using LinkedIn and how to make the most of this B2B platform

LinkedIn is more than a networking tool; it is a platform that can be used to generate leads, market your products and services, and raise brand awareness. In this course, we will teach you how to make the most of this professional platform and optimise your personal profile and company page.

Personalised One-to-One Training Delivery: This course will be tailored to you to meet your unique and personal requirements.

What will I learn?

  • Maximising the effectiveness of your personal profile
  • The right content for your status updates and articles 
  • Best way to connect with potential clients/leads
  • Optimising the company page
  • Advertising on LinkedIn

Who should take this course?

  • Sales and Marketing managers
  • Business Development executives
  • Business Owners/Directors
  • PR and Marketing Professionals
  • Anyone looking to increase their effectiveness on LinkedIn


Three hours with a 121 follow up after 30 days included.

LinkedIn Pages offer a powerful way to promote a business, attract more clients, share industry updates, post job vacancies, and so much more.

In this free 30-minute webinar our social media specialists, Rene Looper and Alastair Miller, will talk about how to create a robust LinkedIn Page that can act as the voice of an organisation and will answer your questions along the way.

An in-depth review of all your social media channels to help you to achieve your goals and build a stronger connection with your audience.

Social media platforms and their audiences continuously change and what worked last year might no longer be effective, or your target audience may have moved to the next social media platform.

A social media audit provides valuable insights into how your social media channels are performing and where you can make improvements. Our audit will identify your strengths and weaknesses on current platforms as well as platforms where you are not engaging with potential audiences. The audit will also examine your brand messaging across social media channels and whether the content you’re sharing on social media is engaging, relevant, and resonates with your target audience. 

The social media review includes:

  • A comprehensive evaluation of your social media presence, including branding
  • Analysis of your social media content and suggestions on how to increase reach and engagement
  • Guidance on platforms that have been overlooked
  • Advice on paid advertising
  • Recommendations on platforms to consider and best practice tips for these platforms
  • Strategies to manage your reputation
  • A summary of tailored recommendations for optimised social media activity

We will deliver the social media audit to you in a 2-hour session. This session can be delivered to you in a number of ways, depending on your preferences. Whether it’s through Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams or your place of work, we’ll make sure that the meeting experience is tailored just for you!

This bespoke service is aimed at:

  • Business owners that manage their own social media
  • Business owners that outsource their social media management to agencies and value an outsider’s point of view
  • Marketing managers who know how to maintain an active social media presence will be able to take advantage of more opportunities
  • Organisations that would like a review of their current social media presence

One to one consultation bespoke to your business

Looking to make some improvements to your website? Are you spending hours on social media, but not seeing the desired results? Looking to increase your sales by improving your digital presence? Then help is at hand!

We at Tuminds Social Media have the knowledge and expertise in-house to help you get more benefit from your website and social media presence. Over the last 17 years we have advised thousands of businesses and organisations on:

  • Content marketing
  • Website Improvements
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • e-Commerce/online shop optimisation
  • Facebook advertising
  • Creating effective posts and videos on Instagram
  • Getting noticed on Twitter
  • Drive more traffic to your website and online shop using Pinterest
  • Using LinkedIn for business
  • TikTok for beginners
  • Social media management
  • Social media advertising
  • Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising on Google and Bing
  • Google Analytics
  • Email marketing
  • Google Business Profile
  • CRM systems
  • Online booking systems
  • Setup Social Media platforms for your business

The consultancy will be delivered via Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Google Meet and is priced at:

£150 ex vat for a 1 hour session. £250 ex vat for a 2 hour session.

What you’ll get:

  • One-to-one with one of our digital specialists to help you with a specific problem or question you might struggle with.
  • An audit of your website and social media platforms
  • A recording of the session
  • Documentation and step-to-step action plan to help you on your way
  • Access to our customer portal with access to specialists for 30 days after our session

I literally could not rate Tuminds services high enough. Their knowledge, professionalism, approach and attention to detail are all outstanding!

Andy Williamson Music

Learn how to use the more advanced advertising features to create ads that get results.

If you are already running ad campaigns on Facebook and Instagram but want to improve the performance of your ads, this is the course for you.  

This course is aimed at individuals who would like to improve their Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns and develop a more strategic approach to advertising. We will teach you how to implement features such as custom and lookalike audiences, and the Facebook Pixel.

What will I learn?

  • How to create custom audiences for Facebook and Instagram ads
  • How to create lookalike audiences
  • How the Facebook Pixel can help to remarket to your website visitors, measure ads results and track conversions
  • How to create retargeting ads
  • Split testing campaigns
  • How to improve campaign performance

Who should take this course?

Anyone who is already running Facebook and Instagram ads and would like to learn how to improve ad performance. This course is ideal for those who are currently working in digital marketing or PR and would like to update their social advertising knowledge.


Three hours with a 121 follow up after 30 days included.

Learn how to improve your Instagram account and content

If you’re already using Instagram but not sure how to use it effectively to promote your business this Instagram course is for you. This course will cover photography basics to help you improve the quality of your posts, tips for increasing engagement and reach, as well as how to use Instagram Stories and Reels.

As this is a hands-on, practical course please have your phone to hand. The course will be delivered online via Zoom.

What will I learn?

  • How to optimise your bio
  • Photo composition tips
  • Tips for creating engaging content
  • How to increase engagement and reach
  • Best practice tips for Instagram Stories and Highlights
  • Tips for creating Reels
  • An overview of Instagram Shopping
  • An overview of Insights (Instagram Analytics)
  • Apps for Instagram

Who should take this course?

People who have an Instagram account for their business and would like to learn how to make better use of the platform.


Three hours with a 121 follow up after 30 days included.

Learn how to use Reels effectively to grow on Instagram

Reels is an effective way to increase organic reach on Instagram. In this course you will learn why Reels should be a part of your social media strategy, how to create Reels, best practices for filming Reels and how to increase views.

As this is a hands-on, practical course please have your phone ready.

What will I learn?

  • Why Reels should be part of your social media strategy
  • Reels versus TikTok
  • How to create a Reels video
  • How to add music
  • How to add text
  • How to film transitions
  • Best practices for filming
  • How to get more views and engagement

Who should take this course?

People who are using Instagram for business and want to learn how to create or improve their Reels.


Three hours with a 121 follow up after 30 days included.

Learn how to boost your ranking on the main search engines Google and Bing

Our SEO training course will deliver the knowledge and skills needed to improve your search engine rankings.

With businesses and your competitors fighting to get to the top of search results, understanding the latest SEO ranking factors and Search Engine Optimisation techniques is vital. On our SEO course, you’ll learn to optimise your website to satisfy your growing visitors, rank highly on search engines and increase your traffic.

This course provides an excellent starting point, covering a wide range of SEO topics and techniques needed to increase the presence of your website.

What will I learn?

  • Optimising your website for search engines
  • Understanding SEO fundamentals such as page optimisation, link building and technical considerations
  • Actionable skills to run a successful SEO campaign
  • Quick wins to help your site to rank higher and increase your traffic from search engines
  • Researching keywords
  • SEO analytics and reporting

Who should take this course?

Anyone seeking to enhance their digital presence and visibility on the main search engines

This hands-on group webinar will be delivered via Zoom.

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