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Video Production for Social Media – DigitalBoost Webinar

Discover why the use of video helps people find your brand or website and how this kind of content has become a powerful way to engage with your audience.

What to expect from this webinar

Video captures people’s attention online and is important for engaging with your target audience.

Learn how to:

  • Create a short and effective video
  • How to plan, shoot, edit and upload it without special kit or expertise.
  • Get to know the various digital platforms that can be utilised to view and share video content.
  • See what editing apps are available and how to add music and subtitles.

This is a ‘DigitalBoost’ event which is funded by Digital Scotland and delivered by Business Gateway.

Event details

Picture for Alastair Miller Alastair Miller



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8th October 2020

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10:00am – 12:00pm

Book now Contact us

Event organiser

Business Gateway - Shetland

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