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Catriona’s First Week at Tuminds Social Media

Picture for Catriona Catriona

September 2nd 2013

Do you think you could write a blog post about your first week?” Rene asked as we wrapped up for the weekend. A job which pays me to write blog posts, I thought. Like.

My first week at Tuminds was a hotchpotch of activity. Whilst a lot of time had to be spent learning how to use the various programmes that are used within the organisation, I also had the opportunity to get ‘stuck in’, and promoted events and businesses on the various websites and Facebook pages which Tuminds operates (City of Inverness, Greater Speyside, Shop Local). Much to my delight, I was also asked to take photos for The Drawing Room, a local business which has been nominated for the upcoming Highlands & Islands Tourism Awards. Though I was asked through a personal connection, Rene allowed me to do this in working hours and start my role in building relationships with the local businesses.

I’ve quickly realised that social media is a topic which almost everyone in the working world can relate to in some way and a topic on which I can offer some advice. We attended a networking lunch at the Ramada Encore hotel on Wednesday, a monthly event run by Highland Craic to give local business people the opportunity to meet and share ideas. The person opposite me at the lunch table told me that they were struggling to use Twitter. I briefly shared what I viewed to be the benefits of Twitter over other social media platforms. A couple of days later, I received an e-mail from that same person telling me that they had been encouraged to sort out their Twitter account and had a better idea of what they were doing. Though I doubt I had much to do with their success, it was rewarding to think that in a daunting networking situation, I had contributed even a small positive.

I’m looking forward to getting more involved with the local businesses, developing my knowledge of my home city, and of course, a compulsory aspect of working at Tuminds, expanding my cake palate!


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