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.SCOT domain pioneered by Cromarty-based Calico

Picture for Rene Looper Rene Looper

July 25th 2014

Calico Internet is at the forefront of its field. It was the first Scottish ISP to use 0845 dial-up in Scotland and has recently pioneered another Internet development. Early last week the Cromarty-based ISP became the first organisation to launch its .scot website, showcasing the domain ending in order to raise awareness and generate interest.


Calico managing director Kirsty Pryer said, “This is the start of an exciting era in Internet history. We have been registering a variety of Top Level Domains (TLDs) for many years including .com, .uk, etc. We’ve also registered domains with many other endings for other countries around the world. As a Scottish-based ISP, we’ve been envious of these countries having their own endings. Now for the first time, Scottish users can have a TLD that reflects their own country.”


The launch provoked considerable interest from businesses and the public, and although general registration will not be open until Friday 23 September, pre-registration can be completed now. Tuminds Social Media has already registered its interest in the .scot domain and the whole team is looking forward to launching Tuminds’ new .scot website later this year. The new domain may provide the ability to retain your local roots in an increasingly global cyberspace, but what do you think about .scot?


If you would like information on how to integrate the new .scot domain with your entire web presence, please contact Tuminds.


If you have any questions about the new .scot domain, please contact Calico.

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