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Twitter tips and social media snippets

Picture for Rene Looper Rene Looper

July 7th 2014

Renowned for his educational and entertaining approach to social media, Rene Looper has imparted a great deal of knowledge and expertise to various organisations over the years. However if you would like to learn more about the type of content delivered in our workshops or how to make the most of social media, read on for the some of the hints and tips given at our latest session with the Two:8 Collective.



People engage with people

If people like you then they will be more likely to engage with you. Social media is the perfect platform on which to communicate your brand’s personality. If you are your brand, then consider using a headshot instead of your logo for your profile picture. Small touches like this can make your online presence more personal.

Top tip: Exercise caution, do not let your brand’s social media become too personal (or political)!


Tweet, retweet, repeat!

Anecdotal evidence has shown Tuminds that one single Twitter retweet can bring significant financial gains to a business. Though it is unlikely this will happen each time you retweet, it definitely demonstrates the power of social media! So find profiles related to your business or sector and try retweeting quality posts. This can help to generate exposure for your profile and encourage positive online relationships.

Top tip: Thinking of following someone new in a certain sector? Post on that topic beforehand and it will make your profile and latest posts more relevant and enticing to potential followers.


Know your hashtags

No one owns Twitter hashtags, so feel free to make your own, but keep in mind their purpose – to facilitate and collate specific conversations. If you are running an event or promotion, a hashtag is a really effective way of reviewing online conversations relating to it. However posting multiple hashtags, or those which #makenosense, can waste your precious 140 characters.

Top tip: Looking for a conversation on a specific topic? Just search for your topic, preceded by a hashtag, in the search box – for example #hashtags.


And remember…

Business can come from anywhere, but making yourself more visible online increases your chances of finding it and letting it find you. So get out there and get connected!

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