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Posting and Scheduling Directly from Hootsuite to Instagram

Picture for Emma Gibb Emma Gibb

February 25th 2019

Blog 1

Posting Single Images Direct from Hootsuite to Instagram (It’s Back!)

Good news for Hootsuite fans – the ability to post single images direct from Hootsuite to Instagram is back! (Following the Cambridge Analytica scandal last year, there were some restrictions put in place and posting/scheduling to Instagram was no longer available). Plus, there is now the addition of being able to post or schedule videos.

To set up direct publishing from Hootsuite to Instagram, follow the steps below.

Step 1:
If you haven’t already converted to a business account on Instagram and want to do direct publishing, go to your profile tab (the three lines in the top right hand corner) > Settings > Switch to Business Profile.

Step 2:
Connect your business Instagram account to your Hootsuite dashboard. Click on ‘+Add Social Network’, select Instagram and ‘Connect with Instagram’. You will be asked to log in to your Instagram and Facebook accounts.

If you have already added your Instagram account you will need to re-authorise the account for direct publishing. Go to your profile photo on Hootsuite and click on ‘Manage Social Networks’. Select your Instagram account and then ‘Connect with Instagram’. As above this process involves logging into your Instagram and Facebook accounts to authenticate the account.

Step 3:
Create your post. You can either click on ‘New Post’ at the top right or ‘compose message’ at the top of the screen (from March 2019 the default will be the ‘New Post’ composer which allows you to preview how your post will appear on Instagram). Select your Instagram account, create your post and add your image. You can either post right away or schedule for a specific date/time.

Posting Video from Hootsuite to Instagram (It’s New!)

A brand new feature is the ability to also post/schedule videos from Hootsuite to Instagram. Again if you have a personal account it is through the mobile notification method, and for business accounts you can post/schedule directly from Hootsuite. This has to be done in the New Post composer as it is not supported in the legacy composer.

Further reading:

If you are looking for social media training find out how we can help.

Do you use Hootsuite to post or schedule content to Instagram? Leave any comments or questions below.

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