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Why you should be using Reels

Picture for Emma Gibb Emma Gibb

November 26th 2021

If you’re not sure what a Reel is think TikTok. Reels are short 15-60 second videos on Instagram, ideal for snappy content that entertains, inspires and educates your audience. The feature has been around since August 2020 but we have noticed that it is not being utilised by many businesses. If you’re not using short form video in your social media strategy here’s why you should be.

Why use Reels?

As we mentioned in our last two blog posts, video is king when it comes to content. Reels are said to get the most engagement on Instagram and people want to spend their time on social media consuming short videos: in Stories, Reels and on TikTok. As Instagram is trying to compete with rival TikTok, the Instagram algorithm prioritises Reels.

Reels appear in search results (when you search for a hashtag you can switch between Top, Recent and Reels) and in the explore section, plus there is a separate Reels section where people can swipe through the videos to find new accounts. This makes it a great way to reach a new audience.

Tips for Reels

Here are some best practice tips to help you get started and increase the views on your Reels.

  • Before creating Reels think about your target audience and what pain points they have. Then create Reels that give your audience value, addressing their pain points and questions.
  • Use trending audio. This is one way of increasing visibility, but note that if you have a business account the music options are restricted.
  • Use hashtags. As Reels can appear in the search results make sure you are using a range of relevant hashtags to aid discovery.
  • Share your Reels to your profile and to your Stories to help with visibility.
  • Don’t use too much text in your video. It’s also a good idea to keep your caption short and snappy.
  • Make sure you keep any text within the frame. If you put text at the top or bottom of the screen it will be cut off in the feed. If you hold you finger on the text and drag it around, you’ll see the blue lines of the frame appear.

Do you have any questions about Reels? Leave a comment below.

Want to learn how to get started with Reels or improve your Reels? Sign up for one of our beginners Reels courses.

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