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Tuminds Reading List: December Roundup

Picture for Emma Gibb Emma Gibb

December 28th 2017

Working in such a fast-paced, ever-changing industry, it is important that we keep up to date with all the latest news and trends here at Tuminds HQ.  Here are some of the changes that have been happening in social media land this month as well as some tips and tools to keep in mind when planning your digital strategy for 2018.

Social Media Trends and Tips

Those Huge Multi-Threads Are Twitter’s Newest Official Feature

When you have lots of replies to a tweet, it is referred to as a thread on Twitter.  Now Twitter has made it an official feature – making it easier to create, find and read threads.  Once it has been rolled out, you’ll see a new plus symbol when you are composing a tweet, so you can compose more than one tweet at a time.  And when users want to find out more, they can select “show this thread” to read all the tweets in a thread.

How to Follow Hashtags on Instagram

The new ability to follow hashtags on Instagram makes it easier for users to follow a topic or person.  When you follow a hashtag, Instagram will choose some posts with that hashtag to show in your main feed.

Instagram Provides New Opportunities with Stories Archive and Presentation

As well as following hashtags, other Instagram changes include the addition of live guests and live requests to Stories (meaning you can add a guest, or request to be added, to a live video).

It has also been announced that Instagram is going to soon give users the option to archive their Stories to their profile and use them in Stories Highlights.  This will allow you to display Instgram Stories content in your profile.

Marketing Tips for Live-Streaming on Social Media (Infographic)

Live-streaming is a key content trend and if you’re not already use live video as part of your social media strategy, there are many reasons why you should consider it.  Did you know that 80% of customers would rather watch a live video from a brand than read posts?  Or that Facebook prioritises live videos and so it could boost your organic reach?

This infographic highlights some of the key stats, benefits of live-streaming and ways that you could be using it.

Instagram Live

Photo by Hans Vivek on Unsplash

Facebook to Punish ‘Engagement Bait’ Posts

In order to “promote more meaningful and authentic conversations on Facebook”, the social network is planning to get tough on pages that “repeatedly use engagement bait” to increase reach.  If you ask for a like or share, this may actually decrease the reach of your post.

New Social Tools for 2018

Four tools to help you stand out from the crowd in 2018, including a video creation tool and content suggestions.

10 Things We Learnt About Marketing This Year

An interesting blog post with some points to think about when planning your digital strategy for the new year.  This includes the importance of videos, why you need links, and why you should be using social listening tools.


If you’re looking for help with your social media strategy in 2018, get in touch!

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